Articles Tagged With:
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care supplement
Full July issue in PDF
Special Feature: What is the Standard of Care for Mechanical Ventilation?
The gold standard in the era of EBM is the randomized controlled trial (RCT). A properly designed and carried out RCT, in patients similar to those the practitioner manages and using end points relevant to both practitioner and patient, is more likely to be free from bias and to produce results that will stand up over time than other types of investigation such as retrospective analyses, case-control studies, and unsystematic clinical observations. -
Hyperoxia Ineffective in Preventing Surgical Site Infections
Patients who received hyperoxia during general surgery had an increase in surgical site infections compared to those who received a lower oxygen concentration. -
Full July 2004 Issue in PDF
Bioterrorism Watch Supplement
Nurses still stuck with unsafe needles
Many nurses still do not have access to sharps safety devices, and conventional devices are available in most health care facilities, according to a survey conducted by Nursing2004.1 -
APIC: Boost health care workers’ flu vaccine rates
Immunize your health care workers against influenza every year, infection control officials are urging. -
CDC guide to PPE: Remove gloves first
There is a right way to put on and remove personal protective equipment (PPE). Now theres a step-by-step guide to teach health care workers how to do it. -
Fire group allows alcohol rubs in hospital hallways
Hand hygiene may get a boost from more widespread use of alcohol-based hand rubs, as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) voted to permit dispensers in corridors of hospitals.